We are on this Journey together.

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A Note from Emily


Thank you for joining me on this very special journey we call life. 

My life has been an amazing, inspiring, and transformational journey so far … I love every twist, turn, and surprise life has to offer.  I must admit, however, this was not always the case.  I realized the one true constant in life is change but I never embraced that fact.  Like many, I feared change, fought it, and best yet, tried to control it. 

My spiritual journey began when I was too young to realize it.  I thought everyone "saw" things when they closed their eyes - people, beautiful pictures, and places (places I had never been).  It was like a beautiful kaleidoscope.  I knew we all had intuition and I assumed everyone had a "knowing" feeling - I assumed everyone experienced a guided voice. 

It wasn’t until I was truly blessed to meet a very gifted, honest, and true psychic that I realized the connection with my Guides and how critical it was to listen to my own inner voice (my own Guides and the Divine).  Still, even after I connected with my Guides, I tried to numb the calling, I didn't know how to handle it.  Then came William!  A talented, spirited, beautifully gifted Medium who further opened up the spiritual realm for me, allowing me to embrace my calling rather than fear it.

This journey has led me to where I am now and unleashed the passion to help others find their spiritual path.  I am so grateful and feel so blessed that I can assist others on their journey.  For I know, in the very essence of my soul, that as person’s vibration rises the Universal vibration rises.

Follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become.
— Steve Jobs